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شماره حساب: 2177579001004
شماره کارت: 6037991899514180
بانک ملی ایران به نام خزانه داری کل

Workshop Description:

ATHENS Spring 2021 Workshop
Design Ultra-Lightweight Building System (DULBS) 2021

This workshop will explore the generation of complex objects’ skins. The design methodology will investigate the self-organizing gen­erative approaches through agent-based algorithms. The workshop aims to de­velop formal and artistic skin with diverse and not equal design processes. The surface of each object, such as buildings, can be the site of this design process. Exclusively, the workshop will utilize the Boids algorithm, defined as an artificial life program that simulates the flocking behavior of the birds. This agent-based algorithm will simulate the movement and behavior of particles on the skin of the pre-designed model. The density of these particles can be modified accord­ing to the environmental stimulus.


Workshop Outline:

Briefly, the workshop will discover the engender of formal and aesthetic skins according to the movements and behavior of particles, simulated by the Boids algorithm for the desired shapes. The computational base of the workshop derives from the logic of swarm intelligence and operating through multi-agent al­gorithms

Workshop Techniques:

The workshop participants will learn the following skills during this workshop: Firstly, they will learn Python scripting language in the Grass­hopper platform, using Rhino/Grasshopper, and subsequently multi-agent algorith­mic logic. A series of multi-agent algorithms will be demonstrated and provided to the participants through which the design work will be undertaken. The prerequisite knowledge of the workshop is a basic understanding level of Rhino and Grasshopper. If the situation of COVID let us, we will manage to fabricate one of the products in the Robotic Laboratory of Politecnico di Milano as a sample.

Workshop Outcomes:

Consequently, students will acquire knowledge and experi­ence in the design of skins through the multi-agent generative design. Students will exhibit their projects on the final day through a series of renders and abstract 3D models. If the situation of COVID let us, we will manage to fabricate one.

Key Words: Algorithmic, Design Computational, Swarm Intelligent, Agentbased algorithm, Skin Design, Digital Fabrication, Boids algorithm, Self-organization

Tentative dates (From – to):

March 15th – March 19th

Registration Deadline:

March 12th

Eligibility qualification for the participants:

for undergraduate students

Required Skills: Basic Rhino and Grasshopper skills are necessary. Experience in Python scripting language an advantage

Required Software: Rhino, Grasshopper

Teaching group: 

  • Morteza Rahbar (PhD, Assisstant professor of Computational Design and Digital Fabrication, Faculty of Iran University of Science and Technology)
  • Alessandra Zanelli (PhD, Full professor of Architectural technology, Coordinator of TEXTILES HUB Laboratory at Politecnico di Milano)
  • Hamed Behmanesh ( MSc, Tutor and Researcher at Iran University of Science and Technology)
  • Amirhossein Ahmadnia (MSc, Tutor and Researcher in TEXTILES HUB Laboratory at Politecnico di Milano)
  • Carol Monticelli (PhD, Associate professor of Architectural Technology at Politecnico di Milano)
  • Salvatore Viscosu (PhD, Adjunct professor of Architectural Technology at Politecnico di Milano)

Registration fee for Iranian participants:

Registration Fee
UT5 Student Members
500,000 Toman
800,000 Toman
  • The pre-registration is free of charge.
  • After the registration deadline, the accepted users will be informed to pay the fee

Payment Info

شماره حساب: 2177579001004
شماره کارت: 6037991899514180
بانک ملی ایران به نام خزانه داری کل

In order to complete your registration, please upload your recipient payment here.

Workshop Schedule:

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