R crash course for Civil engineering


R crash course” is a short, intensive training program designed to introduce participants to the R programming language and its applications. R is a popular language used for statistical computing and graphics, and is commonly used in fields such as data science, machine learning, and other engineering fields. The course covers the basics of the language, including data types, operators, functions, and control structures. It also addresses more advanced topics such as data visualization and statistical analysis. Special topics related to Geospatial Analysis and Visualization and Climate Modeling are also introduced in this course.

Dates (From – to):

 26, 28 August , 2023


9-12, 14-16 Iran

Registration Deadline:

2023 August 15

Eligibility qualification for the participants:

Faculty members, researchers, graduate students, undergrad student

Study Format: Online

Zohreh Sadat Haghayeghi is an assistant Professor at the Water and Environment Engineering Department, School of Civil Engineering Department, Iran University of Science and Technology. She holds a Ph.D. in Offshore Engineering from Amirkabir University of Technology and has been involved in several engineering experiences in multidisciplinary problems. Her expertise in programming with different programming languages including R, will help participant learn useful details of R Programming while finding a big picture of R learning roadmap.

Registration fee:

fee: 115 € for Students – 230 € for others

6.500.000 for IUST & UT5 students/ 8.750.000 IRR for other  Iranian applicants

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